
Friday 18 December 2020

December 18, 2020

 I wish you all a wonderful winter break!

Over the break, there is a cookbook posted in the Google Classroom with some recipes to use to spend some fun time together while introducing fractions.  This is optional, but will be helpful in your child's readiness to begin out lessons on fractions during the online learning period January 4-8.

The timetable for the online learning week is as follows:

See you in January!

Wednesday 16 December 2020

December 16, 2020

We are in school in person tomorrow.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone who is able to attend.  

Tomorrow is PJ day!  Please do not bring a stuffed animal due to covid precautions.

Mr. Wiens has put together a virtual winter concert.  Our class' performance can be found here:

On Friday, I will be sending out the timetable for our online learning after the winter break.  The times are not the same as what we have been doing, as the whole school will be online and considerations for technology sharing needed to be made.


Winter Break: December 18-January 3

Online Learning: January 4-8

Return to in-person classes: January 11

Tuesday 15 December 2020

December 15, 2020

 Thursday December 17 is our class' return to school date.  We will be resuming school at our regular 8:05am time on Thursday.  Friday there is no school as it is a professional development day for staff.  

A few Covid-related notes to consider as we return after isolation:

What can I do to keep myself safe?

- You can practice healthy habits at home, school, and play to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. At school we need to continue to do the following:

- Wear a mask in classrooms, hallways and shared spaces.  Take your mask home and wash it/change it to a clean mask every day.  Having a back-up mask in your school bag is also a good idea.

- Keep your hands out of your mouth, nose, and eyes- This will help keep germs out of your body.

- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

- Follow these five steps— wet, lather (make bubbles), scrub (rub together), rinse and dry. You can sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice.

- If you don’t have soap and water, use hand sanitizer. All classrooms now have hand sanitizer for you to use.  Use it often, and correctly.

- Monitor your health each day before you come to school. If you feel sick, stay home.

- Use the Covid checklist to check for symptoms daily.  Just like you don’t want to get other people’s germs in your body, other people don’t want to get your germs either.

I am excited to see the students again, and having a safe, healthy return to school.  After such a trying experience, I am also excited to announce that our entire class will be recieving the Care for Self award this month as we have all done what we needed to do to care for our physical, emotional, and mental well-being during this isolation period.

See you soon!

Thursday 3 December 2020

December 3, 2020

Beddington Heights is participating in the Mayor's Annual Food Drive this year!  Please bring in any nonperishable food items for the Calgary Food Bank!  Also, we are collecting monetary donations. This will be a great act of kindness and show a great deal of care for others during a trying time of year for those who are less fortunate.  The drive ends Dec 11th.  Thank you for your support on this!

Today was our student teacher's last day with us.  We will miss her, and thank her for all the hard work she did helping us learn.

In LA we have been working on writing our own stories this week.  Today, we worked with a partner to edit and improve our writing.  Our partner looked for juicy words, neatness, beginning middle and end, and capitals and periods.  They gave us two stars and a wish for our writing.  Then some of us shared our stories with the class.

In math, we worked on matching a multiplication word problem to the pictorial representation, number sentence and sentence answer.

In Art today, Mrs. M read us a story called "The Polar Express" and then did a lesson with us on drawing a picture with a vanishing point.  We drew amazing trains zooming through the winter night.

We are continuing to learn about the Zones of Regulation.  We are watching Inside Out as a way to introduce the different emotions that each of us has.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

December 1, 2020

 Happy December!!!!

This is our last week with our student teacher Mrs. McGregor.  We want to thank her for all her hard work, and wish her the all the best in the remainder of her studies.  She will be missed.

This week we are learning about past tense verbs in our word work. Yesterday, we focused on words with an "ed" ending.  We highlighted these words in a poem, and changed some root words to past tense words.  In a few special cases, we needed to change the y to an i, or double the final consonant before adding the ed.  Today, we found words that become completely new words when you change them to past tense (ex. run - ran).

In math, we worked on solving word problems using multiplication, addition and subtraction.  We are drawing pictures to help show our math thinking when solving the problem, and then connecting them to the number sentence.

We are working on writing our own stories this week.  Our stories are based on a picture prompt.  Yesterday, we worked on writing only the beginning of the story.  Today, we worked on the middle of the story.  We are breaking it into parts in order to slow down, and include more details in our writing, as well as having time to edit.

In Social Studies, Grade 4s worked with some weather graphs from cities in Alberta, to answer questions about the climate of different areas in the province.  Grade 3s used the computer to work with a partner to apply our "key words" strategy to answer specific questions about Peru.

We finished watching Wall-E in Science.  We then wrote a reflection about how this movie related to the work we have been doing in Science, and why learning about waste reduction is important.

June 28, 2022

 Thank you for an amazing year!  I wish you all the best over the summer months, and look forward to seeing your smiling faces again when yo...